【简答题】若角α 的终边经过点P(-3,4),则 的值是( )
【单选题】在职业发展中,归属与爱的需求主要指( ),即在工作的过程中能获得良好的人际关系以及是否具有团队合作意识。
【单选题】The students sat by the window, about what happened yesterday.
【单选题】美国著名教育学家、课程理论专家( )是现代课程理论的重要奠基者,也是科学化课程研究的集大成者,被誉为“现代课程理论之父”“当代教育评价之父”。
【单选题】The students sat by the window, about what happened yesterday.
【单选题】A questionnaires is sent to a selected number of students who sit accountancy exams across a wide range of countries. They are selected by randomly picking a number of students from each country, in p...