【简答题】如图为人的消化系统模式图,据图填空: (1)人体的消化系统由消化道和______组成. (2)人体能分泌胆汁的消化器官是[______]______,它分泌的胆汁,贮存在胆囊里. (3)[______]______是消化食物和吸收营养物质的主要场所.
【单选题】英语的“model”在美术领域一般音译为( )
【单选题】英语的“model”在美术领域一般音译为( )
【单选题】英语的“model”在美术领域一般音译为( )
【单选题】Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose
To give an account of the author’s hard life at home and at school during the Second World War.
To illustrate that words of compassion in times of need enable a person to regain his confidence and exert a lasting influence.
To present a picture of different teachers at her school.