P27 Exercise A You are going to hear some announcements made by Professor Williams at the final plenary session of an international conference on urban planning. The following vocabulary is used in the conversation. Guess the meaning when you hear these words in the announcements. Match them with their definitions. Write the correct number before each definition. While you listen don't forget to add more key words in the notes column. They will be very helpful for the next section. 注意:答案处请填写具体单词,不要填序号。 如 第1项解释对应的单词为reminder 则直接在答案处填写reminder即可 。 注意:答案处请填写具体单词,不要填序号。 如 第1项解释对应的单词为reminder 则直接在答案处填写reminder即可 。 注意:答案处请填写具体单词,不要填序号。 如第1项解释对应的单词为reminder 则直接在答案处填写reminder即可 。 1. session 2. urban 3. domestic 4. lodg e 5. chairpeople 6. coach 7. reprints 8. reminder 9. convention 10. productive 1. __ something that makes you think of a particular person, event, or action 2. __ those who are in charge and who decide when each person is allowed to speak at an official meeting or debat 3. __ a meeting or period of time used for a particular purpose or activity 4. __ fruitful, rewarding 5. __ a large motor vehicle which carries passengers on long journeys by road 6. __ belonging to or relating to a town or a city 7. __ a large gathering of people who meet to discuss the business of their organisation or political group 8. __ concerned with the running of a home and family 9. __ a copy of a book which has been reprinted 10. __ a small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house, often used as the home of a gatekeeper or other servant