【简答题】主根、侧根和纤维根均称为 ,由胚根直接发育形成的根是 ,间接发育形成的根是 、 。
【简答题】某工程由土建工程和设备安装工程两部分组成,业主与某建筑公司和某安装公司分别签订了施工合同和设备安装合同,土建工程包括桩基础,土建承包商将桩基础部分分包给某基础工程公司。桩为预制钢筋混凝土桩共计 1200 根,每根的混凝土量 0.8m3,承包商对此所报单价为 500 元/ m3,预制桩由甲方供应,每根价格为 350 元/根。桩基础按施工进度计划规定从 7 月 10 日开工至 7 月 20 日结束。在...
【简答题】由胚根直接发育形成的根是 _______ ,主根、侧根和纤维根均称为 _______ 。
【简答题】根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确的选项。 1. The teacher told the pupils ______. [ ] A. to keep quiet after class B. not to draw on the wall C. not to stand against the wall 2. After the class was over, David ______. [...
【单选题】The teacher told them ________ make so much noise.
【简答题】Model 1: She heard it. Sound cannot travel in space. → She heard that sound cannot travel in space. 1. The teacher told it to us. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.