【单选题】The children ran out of the house to welcome their daddy _____ they saw him come back home.
【单选题】当我们看完电影走到大街上,明亮的阳光刺得睁不开眼,过一会儿就感觉自如了,这种现象是( )。(中学2011下)
【单选题】They ( ) him out of the hospital till he's completely recovered.
【单选题】当我们看完电影走到大街上,明亮的阳光刺得睁不开眼,过一会儿就感觉自如了,这种现象是( )。
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【单选题】Suddenly, a few big guys came out of nowhere and they ____ him into the back of a jeep.
【单选题】They won't let him out of the hospital ________ he's completely recovered.
【单选题】证券公司、证券投资咨询机构从事证券投资顾问业务,应当保证证券投资顾问( )与服务方式、业务规模相适应。 Ⅰ.人员数量Ⅱ.业务能力 Ⅲ.合规管理Ⅳ.风险控制