【单选题】患者女,44岁,敏感多疑,怀疑单位同事有意和她作对,故意给其工作和生活设置障碍,近期经常听到耳边有人说话,对其行为进行评论,护士对其心理护理中,正确的是 :
【单选题】The sources of international law which Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states that the court is permitted to use in settling disputes are:
general principles of law.
international conventions.
the case law of municipal courts.
【单选题】需要常拆的小管径管路通常用( )连接 。
【单选题】The student is quoting Rabbi Isaac P. Fried from page 38 of the following newspaper article: Treaster, Joseph B. “Healing Herb or Narcotic? Marijuana as Medication.” New York Times 14 Nov. 1993: 38+. ...
“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's?” (Treaster 38).
“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's?” (qtd. in Treaster 38).
“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's?” (qtd. in Isaac 38).
“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's?” (Isaac 38).
【单选题】由简单阳离子(或原子)和一定数量中的中性分子或阴离子通过配位键结合,并按一定的组成和空间构型所形成的复杂离子称为( )。
【单选题】由简单阳离子(或原子)和一定数量中的中性分子或阴离子通过配位键结合,并按一定的组成和空间构型所形成的复杂例子称为( )。
【多选题】复原成本是指用与被评估车辆相同的( )等,以现时价格复原购置相同的全新车辆所需的全部成本。
【单选题】In determining whether a practice has become a rule of international customary law, Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states that the court is permitted to look to:
teachings of legal writers.
【单选题】The sources of international law which Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states that the court is permitted to use in settling disputes are:
general principles of law.
international conventions.
the case law of municipal courts.