【简答题】分析下列材料: ①1919年美国国会通过宪法第18修正案。该修正案规定,禁止在合众国及其管辖的所有领土内酿造、出售和运送作为饮料的致醉酒类;禁止此等酒类输入或输出合众国及其管辖下的所有领土。但该修正案的实施情况却令人尴尬——在美国出现了大规模的群众性违反禁酒令的活动。一方面,酒价狂飙,致使贩运私酒成了一种职业,人们从这种“非法”贸易中获取暴利,甚至还出现了专门从事此类活动的组织;另一方面,执...
【简答题】A product produced at one point has very little value to the prospective customer unless it is moved to ______________ where it will be consumed。
【简答题】国产雪茄烟营销渠道 国产雪茄烟销售不畅的原因:从目前来看,国内没有好雪茄这是原因之一。其二,现有雪茄销售的营销渠道不利于培养民族雪茄品牌。雪茄销售有别于卷烟,其多品种、多规格、多包装、多风味,满足不同层次雪茄消费者需求的特殊性是烟草公司现有的营销模式所无法顾及的。现有烟草公司经营的雪茄,品种、规格、包装和风味单一,不能满足不同层次消费者的消费需求,导致了雪茄的市场和管理真空,致使国外走私雪茄烟泛滥...
【简答题】When you cannot contact the right person, personal relationship can help give you_________ to the prospective customer.
【简答题】九年级(上)第三单元 文明与家园 1.2019年北京世界园艺博览会北京园以“四合院”为核心的景观,让全世界从一个“小院 落”品味“大北京”。这是因为北京四合院( ) 1承载着老北京的民俗民风 2展示了北京的开放与包容 3体现了东西方文化的交流 4延续着传统文化的生命力 A.12 B.14 C.23 D.34 2.20...
【单选题】Choose the word which has the same meaning with the underlined word. How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customer for us? I already knew the answer.
【单选题】Many companies even maintain their own credit departments that investigate the creditworthiness of each prospective customer.Choose a word from A, B, C, and D, which can best replace the underlined wo...
【单选题】In which step of the selling process does a salesperson learn as much as possible about a prospective customer before a sales call?
【判断题】If you believe in yourself and in your product, your prospective customer will be inclined to believe what you say as well.