【简答题】A work plan is also called a ___1___ plan, which provides specifics on how a project will be ____2______. This includes _____3___ will work on eachtask, ___4____ the tasks will be performed and ____5_...
【单选题】--Have you found any information about the famous people you can use for the report? ---Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.
【单选题】I hope their plan will work, but they themselves are very ______ that it will.
【判断题】流酒加工可以由物流业者自己完成,也可以通过签订承揽合同,将部分或整个工作外包出去,由其他企业或个人完成。 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>
【单选题】- Have you found any information on the Internet? - Yes, but I don't know ________ it is useful for you.
【简答题】西汉时,有一名将,在反击匈奴的战争中英勇善战,屡建战功,汉武帝奖励他,为他建造了精致的住宅。他说:“匈奴未灭,何以家为。”这位名将死时仅20多岁,汉武帝为他修建了一座形似祁连山的墓,象征他的赫赫战功。 阅读材料回答: 他的英勇善战对汉朝人民有什么意义?