【单选题】The blueprint is to the builder _____ the outline is to the writer.
【单选题】Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ______ the experienced writer in the handling of his words.
【单选题】( )是指由于信息不对称所造成的市场资源配置扭曲现象。
【单选题】You pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks "How are you?".You respond by
telling him that your back has been hurting you and you have a cold.
saying "Fine, thanks".
explaining that you are tired and stressed out in your job.
asking “Where are you going”.
【简答题】甲因为生活琐事和邻居丙发生口角纠纷后,相互打斗。甲使用暴力故意伤害丙,并致其轻伤,丙随后被送往医院。丙在医院治疗时,由于医院发生火灾,丙被烧死。在司法机关对甲的行为进行追究以前,丙的妻子乙多次找甲评理。甲极其愤怒,欲杀乙,在山崖边对乙连砍了5刀,乙重伤昏迷,甲以为乙已经死亡,遂离去。但乙在自己苏醒过来后,刚迈了两步即跌下山崖摔死。 问题: 1.甲的伤害行为与丙的死亡结果之间是否有因果关系?(5分)
【判断题】逆向选择指信息不对称所造成市场资源配置扭曲的现象。( )