【单选题】Which of the following statements is true?
Bitter Lemon has published six books in Britain and is going to publish five titles in the United States.
The publishers employ translators to bring the books to life in English because they don't speak French, Greek, German and Italian.
All of the novels are found in second-hand bookstores.
Francois von Hurter was born in Britain and was a successful investment banker in the United States.
【单选题】执行下面的程序段 int x=35; char z='A'; int b; B=((x&15)&&(z<'a')); 后,B的值为( )。
【多选题】现有以下物质:(1)NaCl晶体 (2)液 态SO 2 (二氧化硫) (3)液态HAc(醋酸) (4)汞 (5)固体BaSO 4 (硫酸钡) (6)纯蔗糖(C 12 H 22 O 11 ) (7)酒精(CH 3 CH 2 OH) (8)熔化的KNO 3 (硝酸钾) 回答下列问题(填写对应序号) 1.以上物质能导电的是 2.以上物质属于电解质的是 3.以上物质属于非电解质的...
【简答题】盐酸使紫色石蕊试液变 色,使无色酚酞试液显 色。 2、 清除热水瓶内沉积的水垢(主要成分是 CaCO 3 和 Mg(OH) 2 ) , 可用下列 什么 物质洗涤 ...................................................................................................( ) A、水 B、热的碱溶...
【单选题】______was the first country in the world to give women the right to vote.
【简答题】A.It was very developed. B.It was densely populated. C.It was at a war with Great Britain. D.It was a small, unimportant city.
【简答题】常温下,不能用铁制容器存放的物质是 ( ) A. 浓H 2 SO 4 B.浓HNO 3 C .CuSO 4 溶液 D .KOH溶液 2. 下列关于铁的叙述中错误的是 ( ) A. 纯净的铁是光亮的银白色金属 B. 铁能被磁体吸引 C. 铁是地壳中含量最多的金属元素,所以分布在地壳中的铁有游离态也有化合态 D. 常温下,铁与浓HNO 3 不反应 3 . 由FeSO 4 和Fe 2 ...
【单选题】设有以下定义,则下面给出的语句中错误的是() 1.int a=0; 2.float b=1.25; 3.char c='A'; 4.#define d 2
【单选题】____ _______ is Britai n ’ s top pay-television provider.