【简答题】患者,男性,30岁。左侧腹部撞击伤后2周。体检:全腹压痛,左上腹可以触及一包块,边缘不清、触痛明确。经非手术治疗后症状缓解。1小时前突然再次出现腹部持续性疼痛并向左肩部放射。体检:血压75/52mmHg,脉搏每分钟110次,腹平坦,左上腹压痛,移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音消失。目前首先考虑的诊断是A、结肠脾曲破裂 B、腹膜后血肿破裂 C、迟发性脾破裂 D、膈破裂 E、肠系膜血肿破裂 首选的辅助检查是A、...
【判断题】The minimum of a fee for delayed customs duty payment is CNY50.
【简答题】A ( ) is a duty or fee levied on goods or services being imported into the country.
【简答题】Generally speaking, a ___________________ is a duty of fee levied on goods being imported into a country.
【简答题】The conventional DVD player cannot play any Divx disc because the disc___________
【简答题】闰盘 intercalated disc