【单选题】稻谷质量指标中规定,杂质含量要求不大于( )。
【单选题】患者女,50岁,因“腹胀痛、乏力、消瘦6个月”来诊。查体:轻度贫血貌;胸骨压痛明显,心、肺听诊无异常;腹软,肝肋下2cm,脾大至平脐。血常规:Hb90g/L,WBC70×10 9 /L,见大量中、晚幼粒细胞及嗜碱粒细胞,PLT350×10 9 /L。下一步最重要的检查是()
【单选题】听力原文: Washington All eyes are focusing on Las Vegas as the sporting goods industry closes in its first true industry gathering in years. The much anticipated spring market will make its debut June 11t...
A trade show of the latest sporting goods is on display.
An event for team sports is held with the country's best athletes.
A spring market fair for cutting equipment and accessories is open.
A business rendezvous is scheduled between VIPs and the best athletes.
【单选题】听力原文: Most people are aware, that the earth is a delicate thing, and that it cannot last forever, if we do not take care of it. Apart from the dangers of blowing each other up, there is the problem of...
The earth cannot last forever, if we do not take care of it.
Hunters are destructing the wildlife.
Nuclear power is increasingly used to generate electricity.
Nuclear waste kills many seals.
【多选题】《党政机关公文处理工作条例》在 “公文格式“中有主送机关一项。但在行文实践中,有的公文有时可以不写主送机关。这些公文指的是( )
【单选题】听力原文:At the end of the street there's a bookstore.