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【多选题】p108 甲公司采用实际成本核算存货,2020年3月18日购人A材料一批,材料已验收入库,但月末发票账单尚未收到,也无法确定其实际成本,甲公司暂估该批材料价值为4000元。假定不考虑其他因素,则下列有关甲公司账务处理的说法中,正确的有( )。
【判断题】局部地区冬季变冷说明没有全球变暖,这个说法( )。
【简答题】Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points] Questions 1-5 are based on the following task. Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. There are THREE...
【判断题】局部地区冬季变冷说明没有全球变暖,这个说法( )。
【单选题】Reading Comprehension(子母填空): Read the following text and answer questions 1-10 by
1:Reading Comprehension(子母填空): Read the following text and answer questions 1-10 by choosing A, B, C or D. Some choices may be required more than once. A = Washington D.C.
= New York City
= Chicago
= Los Angeles Which book(s) say(s) that... 1. Washington D. C. Washington, the capital of the United States, is in Washington D. C. and is situated on the Potomac River between the two states of Maryland and Virginia. The population of the city is about 800, 000 and it covers an area of over 69 square miles (including 8 square miles of water surface). The section was named the District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus, who discovered the continent. The city itself was named Washington after George Washington, the first president of U. S. A.. The building of the city was accomplished in 1800 and since that year, it has served as the capital of the country. Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated there. In the War of 1812, the British army seized the city, burning the White House and many other buildings. Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system. Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidency. Apart from the government buildings, there are also some other places of interest such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Library of Congress and Mt. Vernon, home of George Washington. 2. New York City New York City, located in New York State, is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. The city of New York has a population of over 7 million (1970) and Metro politan, 12 million. The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queen's Brooklyn and Richmond. The city with its good harbor was discovered as early as 1524, and it was established by the Dutch who named the city New Amsterdam. In 1664, the city was taken by the English and it got the name New York as it bears now. During the American Revolution in 1776, George Washington had his head-quarters for a time in New York City. The Declaration of Independence was first read there on July 4th, 1776. The city remained the nation's capital until 1790. New York became an important port early in the last century. A large portion of the national exports passed through New York Harbor. New York has become one of the world's busiest ports and also the financial, manufacturing, and travel center of the country. Some of the places of interest in the city are: the Statue of Liberty ( 152 meters high) which was given by the French people to the American people as a gift in 1877. It was erected on Liberty Island in the middle of New York Harbor. Broadway, Wall Street and Fifth Avenue are a few of New York's more famous streets. Wall Street, where many famous banks are centered, is the financial center of America and has become a symbol of the American monopoly capitalism. Fifth Avenue is the street with famous stores and shops. Time Square is in the center of New York City, at Broadway and 42nd Street. Greenwich Village is an art center. Many American artists and writers have lived and worked there. The group of the third largest city buildings of the United Nations stand along the East River at the end of the 42nd Street. 3. Chicago Chicago, the second largest city in population in the United States, lies on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan at a point where the Chicago River enters the lake. The city is now the largest industrial city in the country. Both heavy and light industries are highly developed, particularly the former. Black metallurgical industry and meat processing are assumed to be the head in the U. S.. It is now considered the center of industry, transportation, commerce and finance in the mid-west area. The working class in Chicago has a glorious revolutionary tradition. On May 1st, 1886, thousands upon thousands of workers in the city and the country went on strike for the eight hour workday and succeeded. Since 1890, May 1st has been observed every year as an International Labor Day. On March 8th 1909, women workers in Chicago held a big strike for freedom and equal rights with men and since 1910, March 8th has been celebrated each year as an International Working Women's Day. 4. Los Angeles Los Angeles is situated near the Pacific coast in California. It is an important center of shipping, industry and communication. The city was first founded by a Spanish explorer in 1542 and turned over to the U. S. in 1846. The city leads the country in the manufacture of aircraft and spare parts and the area has become an aviation center. California is a leading state in the production of electronic products and the area of Los Angeles has grown into an important electronic center. Since the first American movie was made in Los Angeles in 1908, the city has remained the film center of the United States. Hollywood, the base of the film industry in the city, is a world famous film producing center. 1.is the headquarter of the Supreme court.
【简答题】Questions 6-10 ?Look at the plan of the correct place. ?For questions 6-10, decide which place is correct. ?For each question, mark one letter (A-H). Plan of Railway Station
【单选题】Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage: (10 分) How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America? The short version of Wal -Mart’s rise to glory ...
one week
two weeks
one day
two days
【判断题】词中一个辅音算一个音节。( )
【简答题】   Section 1 Questions 1–10
【简答题】Questions 24 to 27 are based on the following passage. Are there any chronic (长期的) complainers where you work? It seems like every workplace has them —the people for whom the weather is always too war...
【单选题】Reading Comprehension(子母填空): Read the following text and answer questions 1-10 by
1:Reading Comprehension(子母填空): Read the following text and answer questions 1-10 by choosing A, B, C or D. Some choices may be required more than once. A = Washington D.C.
= New York City
= Chicago
= Los Angeles Which book(s) say(s) that... 1. Washington D. C. Washington, the capital of the United States, is in Washington D. C. and is situated on the Potomac River between the two states of Maryland and Virginia. The population of the city is about 800, 000 and it covers an area of over 69 square miles (including 8 square miles of water surface). The section was named the District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus, who discovered the continent. The city itself was named Washington after George Washington, the first president of U. S. A.. The building of the city was accomplished in 1800 and since that year, it has served as the capital of the country. Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated there. In the War of 1812, the British army seized the city, burning the White House and many other buildings. Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system. Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidency. Apart from the government buildings, there are also some other places of interest such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Library of Congress and Mt. Vernon, home of George Washington. 2. New York City New York City, located in New York State, is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. The city of New York has a population of over 7 million (1970) and Metro politan, 12 million. The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queen's Brooklyn and Richmond. The city with its good harbor was discovered as early as 1524, and it was established by the Dutch who named the city New Amsterdam. In 1664, the city was taken by the English and it got the name New York as it bears now. During the American Revolution in 1776, George Washington had his head-quarters for a time in New York City. The Declaration of Independence was first read there on July 4th, 1776. The city remained the nation's capital until 1790. New York became an important port early in the last century. A large portion of the national exports passed through New York Harbor. New York has become one of the world's busiest ports and also the financial, manufacturing, and travel center of the country. Some of the places of interest in the city are: the Statue of Liberty ( 152 meters high) which was given by the French people to the American people as a gift in 1877. It was erected on Liberty Island in the middle of New York Harbor. Broadway, Wall Street and Fifth Avenue are a few of New York's more famous streets. Wall Street, where many famous banks are centered, is the financial center of America and has become a symbol of the American monopoly capitalism. Fifth Avenue is the street with famous stores and shops. Time Square is in the center of New York City, at Broadway and 42nd Street. Greenwich Village is an art center. Many American artists and writers have lived and worked there. The group of the third largest city buildings of the United Nations stand along the East River at the end of the 42nd Street. 3. Chicago Chicago, the second largest city in population in the United States, lies on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan at a point where the Chicago River enters the lake. The city is now the largest industrial city in the country. Both heavy and light industries are highly developed, particularly the former. Black metallurgical industry and meat processing are assumed to be the head in the U. S.. It is now considered the center of industry, transportation, commerce and finance in the mid-west area. The working class in Chicago has a glorious revolutionary tradition. On May 1st, 1886, thousands upon thousands of workers in the city and the country went on strike for the eight hour workday and succeeded. Since 1890, May 1st has been observed every year as an International Labor Day. On March 8th 1909, women workers in Chicago held a big strike for freedom and equal rights with men and since 1910, March 8th has been celebrated each year as an International Working Women's Day. 4. Los Angeles Los Angeles is situated near the Pacific coast in California. It is an important center of shipping, industry and communication. The city was first founded by a Spanish explorer in 1542 and turned over to the U. S. in 1846. The city leads the country in the manufacture of aircraft and spare parts and the area has become an aviation center. California is a leading state in the production of electronic products and the area of Los Angeles has grown into an important electronic center. Since the first American movie was made in Los Angeles in 1908, the city has remained the film center of the United States. Hollywood, the base of the film industry in the city, is a world famous film producing center. 1.is the headquarter of the Supreme court.
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