【单选题】在船舶定线制区域进行航线设计时,下列说法错误的是 。
【判断题】The goal of “National Tourism Plan 1986-2000” was to enable China to enter the ranks of more advanced tourist receiving countries.
【单选题】一束 通过有色溶液时,溶液的吸光度与浓度和液层厚度的乘积成正比。
【单选题】粉体学中,用包括粉粒自身空隙和粒子间空隙在内的体积计算的密度为( )
【判断题】The goal of aggregate planning is to achieve a production plan that attempts to balance the organization's resources and meet expected demand.
【单选题】What’s the goal of China’ energy plan?
17 % of its energy will come from non-fossil fuel energy by 2030.
20% of its energy will come from fossil fuel energy by 2030.
20% of its energy will come from non-fossil fuel energy by 2030.
20% of its energy will come from fossil fuel energy by 2030.