买短乘长 Many passengers complained on China's social media platforms that they had bought tickets in advance, but were denied boarding by railway staff because of overloading - the result of some passengers buying short distance tickets but refusing to get off at their corresponding destinations. 很多乘客在社交媒体上抱怨称,他们提前买了票,但是列车员以超员为由不让他们上车,而超员的原因是部分乘客“买短乘长”的行为,即购买了短途车票,但是到站后不下车。 “买短乘长( boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations )”本来是铁路部门为满足部分乘客临时变更到站的需要而提供的应急便利措施,这一类乘客可以在途中找列车员办理补票手续( pay to extend their tickets )。 但是在出行高峰期,“买短乘长”行为增多则会损害提前购票乘客的合法权益。 【相关词汇】 折扣票 discounted ticket 列车时刻表 train schedules 实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing 梯次退票方案 tiered ticket refund policy 车票改签 change a ticket 补票 pay for ticket extension