【单选题】The cause of infantile diarrhoea is true
mild diarrhea is mostly extraintestinal(肠外) infection
severe diarrhea is mostly intestinal(肠内) infection
the main cause of infantile diarrhoea is the infection factor
Duovirus(轮状病毒)and pathogenic Escherichia coli(致病性大肠杆菌) are the most common intestinal infections.
all of the above statements are true
【单选题】托幼人所不应一味追求形式上的美观和表面的花里胡哨,往往使环境只具有观赏性而缺乏( )。
【判断题】培训基地、文工团、医院设值班长 、 行政值班 2个岗位,值班长每天1人, 由单位 部门副职(含)以上领导轮值;行政值班员每天 1人, 由 单位其他 干部轮值 。
【单选题】小齐家里有两块祖传的金条 , 体现了货币什么职能 ?
【多选题】组织多班运输,在运输组织方面,主要应注意解决好驾驶员的 ( )。
【单选题】以下句子是文言文的哪种特殊句式 蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强
【单选题】听力原文:M: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term? W: Yes, I am. M: What are you going to do? W: I'm going to be a clerk. M: What does a clerk do? W: He works in an office. He writes letter...