【简答题】(改错仅填写正确答案的词) We take the pleasure on placing a trial order with you for 50 Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles.
【简答题】(改错仅填写正确答案的词) By the courtesy of Mr. Freemen, we learn that you are the leading importer in your area.
【简答题】(改错仅填写正确答案的词) We give to understand that you are the state-operated corporation in Chemical products.
【简答题】(改错仅填写正确答案的词) We shall oblige if you could give us an early reply to our specific enquiry
【单选题】从古代孟母三迁的故事到现在的择校问题。父母不仅选择邻里环境,还选择日托的类型、质量及儿童将来要上的小学。上述的事例表明,父母可以通过他们作为( )的身份影响儿童的早期发展。