【单选题】某化妆品厂(增值税一般纳税人),2015年5月,销售自产化妆品一批给某商场,并开出增值税专用发票,并注明增值税税金5.1万。化妆品厂该业务应纳消费税( )元。(化妆品,消费税适用税率为30%)
【简答题】Read the text through quickly and answer the following questions. 1) What is the main writing strategy used in the article? 2) How does the author explain the political fashion? 3) What is the author'...
【简答题】A.use B.inform. C.ask D.teach
【单选题】What specific jobs do securities outside dressing rooms do?
In addition to ensuring the life style of the performers, they should prevent any person from entry.
In addition to ensuring the life safety of the actors, they should stop any reporters from entering
In addition to ensuring the life safety of the performers, they should prevent any fans from entering
In addition to ensuring the life safety of the performers, they should prevent any unauthorized person from entering
【单选题】某高级化妆品厂为增值税一般纳税人,下设一非独立核算的门市部,2018年11月该厂将自产的一批成本价为20万元的高级化妆品移送至门市部,当月门市部对外销售了其中的80%,取得含税收入35.1万元。已知高级化妆品的消费税税率为15%,成本利润率为5%,则该高级化妆品厂2015年12月应缴纳消费税( )万元。121677
【单选题】某日化厂为增值税一般纳税人,2015年10月将自产的200万件化妆品无偿赠送给关联企业,每件化妆品的生产成本为50元。已知,消费税税率为30%,成本利润率为5%,没有同类化妆品的销售价格。该日化厂当月应缴纳的消费税为( )万元。