For each underlined word or expression, choose the best meaning below. 1. The movement of the train lulled me to sleep. A. forced B. caused C. stopped 2. He has been my associate in several business enterprises. A. partner B. friend C. contact person 3. We s uspected that he was the murderer even before we were told. A. doubted B. believed to be likely C. believed to be unlikely 4. My eyes became accustomed to the dim lighting. A. tired of B. hurt by C. used to 5. The government is planning to extend the railway to the next town. A. make it shorter B. make it longer C. make it wider 6. Their sympathy was well-meaning but ineffective. A. well-spoken B. well-thought C. well-intentioned 7. That young man is always ready to pay compliments to a pretty young lady. A. expressions of praise and admiration B. expressions of dislike and hatred C. expressions of love and passion 8. The result of the first experiment is very promising. A. successful B. meaningful C. hopeful