【判断题】当以指定“键”为下标为字典元素赋值时: (1)若该“键”在字典中存在,则表示修改该“键”对应的值; (2)若该“键”不存在,则表示添加一个新的“键-值”对,也就是添加一个新元素到字典中。
【单选题】下为“某地的等高线地形图”,图中丙地位于(40N,117E)。读图,回答下列各题。 若游客沿景观步道从丁处开始游览,可能看到的景观有()
【单选题】Some people associate migration mainly with birds. Birds do travel vast distances, but mammals also migrate. An example is the caribou, reindeer that graze on the grassy slopes of northern Canada. Whe...
people migrate like animals
the female fur seals migrate only to the Gulf of Alaska
not all mammals migrate
【简答题】¿Qué pregunta mamá a Javi? Mamá le pregunta ha aparcado el coche.
【单选题】Mam _______ marchewki.