【单选题】He stole, not because he needed the money badly but because he enjoyed stealing. The italicized part functions as a(n) in the sentence.
【单选题】如图所示,左循环移位指令中,IN端口是指( )。
【判断题】以减资为目的的超出面值收购本企业的股票,收回的股票注销时凡是属于溢价发行的,超出面值付出的价格,应先冲销溢价收入,不足部分,依次冲销盈余公积和未分配利润。 ( )
【判断题】Money has three functions: It acts as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a hedge against inflation.
【单选题】以下属于曲轴轴承螺纹损伤的原因的是( )。
【单选题】“幽州之地,左环沧海,右拥太行,北枕居庸,南襟河济,诚天府之国”指( )
【单选题】All of the following are considered major functions of money except as a:
【单选题】Money functions as a standard of value when people
purchase goods and services.