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甲省烟草专卖局内管部门严格按照内管工作规范,对辖区内的工业企业2009年度原料购进环节开展内部专卖管理监管检查工作,在检查中收集到如下信息: (一)从业务部门提取查阅的国家局下达采购计划为:烟叶采购计划95万担,工业调剂计划5万担;签订的合同为:烟叶购销合同95万担,工业调剂合同5万担。 (二)从财务结算中心提取的结算报表显示:烟草公司2009年度烟叶调拨计划0.5万担未完成:工业企业2万担烟叶调剂计划未完成。 (三)从准运证管理系统省采集到,2009年度烟叶到货确认数量为97.55万担; (四)从仓库入库的台账统计,2009年入库原烟97.5万担,有500担因被降级为不列级烟叶,由烟草公司重新补充后调入。但该批降级烟叶未进入台账也未退回烟草公司。 (五)从废弃原料处理台账及流向看出,有5000公斤北污染的废弃烟丝由企业内部监管部门核后,未向属地烟草专卖局报备,直接在厂内锅炉焚烧。 在卷烟工业企业原料采购环节中,常见异常情况有哪些?需要进一步核实哪些问题?本次检查有无发现异常情况?如有,请指出。
【单选题】确保党始终纵揽全局,协调各方,必须坚持党的( )原则。
【单选题】The English language is particularly rich in words we can use to describe our emotions, which makes it rather difficult to _________ how many basic emotions there are.
【单选题】We use language to talk about our experience of the wor l d, in cl uding the worlds in our own minds, to describe events and stat es and the entities involved in them. We also use language to interact...
As Thompson (1996: 28) summarizes, if we take a functional approach to language, we assume that language can be used "to talk about our experience of the world" and this "world" includes not just the world in reality but also "the worlds in our own minds", and language is also used "to describe events and states and the entities involved" in these "worlds". Apart from this, we communicate with people by using language, and in this respect the aim of communication may be "to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behaviour, to express our own viewpoint on things in the world, and to elicit or change theirs”. Besides, we can also use language to "organi z e our messages in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing".
Language can be used to do many things. From a functional linguistics perspective, people use it to say things about objects, ideas, events, states, situations, and so on in our daily life. In daily interactions, language plays an important role in establishing and maintaining personal and interpersonal relationships, and the choice of language use can also influence people’s behaviour and their viewpoints on things and events around them. From the use of language we can see how daily messages are organized "in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing" (Thompson 1996: 28).
As is believed by many people, people use language to talk about their experience of the world, including the worlds in their own minds, to describe events and states and the entities involved in them. They also use language to interact with other people, to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behaviour, to express their own viewpoint on things in the world, and to elicit or change theirs. Finally, in using language, they organi z e their messages in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing.
【单选题】We use language to talk about our experience of the wor l d, in cl uding the worlds in our own minds, to describe events and stat es and the entities involved in them. We also use language to interact...
As Thompson (1996: 28) summarizes, if we take a functional approach to language, we assume that language can be used "to talk about our experience of the world" and this "world" includes not just the world in reality but also "the worlds in our own minds", and language is also used "to describe events and states and the entities involved" in these "worlds". Apart from this, we communicate with people by using language, and in this respect the aim of communication may be "to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behaviour, to express our own viewpoint on things in the world, and to elicit or change theirs”. Besides, we can also use language to "organi z e our messages in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing".
Language can be used to do many things. From a functional linguistics perspective, people use it to say things about objects, ideas, events, states, situations, and so on in our daily life. In daily interactions, language plays an important role in establishing and maintaining personal and interpersonal relationships, and the choice of language use can also influence people’s behaviour and their viewpoints on things and events around them. From the use of language we can see how daily messages are organized "in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing" (Thompson 1996: 28).
As is believed by many people, people use language to talk about their experience of the world, including the worlds in their own minds, to describe events and states and the entities involved in them. They also use language to interact with other people, to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their behaviour, to express their own viewpoint on things in the world, and to elicit or change theirs. Finally, in using language, they organi z e their messages in ways which indicate how they fit in with the other messages around them and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing.
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