【单选题】下列关于企业年金的说法,错误的是( )。
【判断题】The fundamental mechanism by which enzymes enhance the rate of chemical reactions is that enzymes facilitate the formation of the transition state. ( )
【判断题】The energy required to reach the transition state (the activation energy) is usually more than the energy released by the transition state proceeds to product. ( )
【单选题】很多职工退休后最重要的收入来源将是( )。
【判断题】Enzymes accelerate reactions by facilitating the formation of the transition state. ( )
【单选题】爱因斯坦指出光与物质有三种相互作用,( )是指处于高能级上的电子状态是不稳定的,它将自发地从高能级跃迁到低能级与空穴复合,同时释放出一个光子。
【单选题】The reaction pathway diagram below illustrates the energies of the reactants, the products and the transition state of a reaction.
【单选题】企业年金是对国家 基本养老保险 的重要补充,不仅可以减轻政府的压力,还可以提高企业员工的工作积极性。我国企业年金基金实行( ),所需费用由企业和职工个人共同缴纳。