观看 3.1 Son of Africa, Father of a Nation 完成习题 1-5 1. When did Nelson Mandela join the African National Congress? A . 1943 B . 1942 C . 1940 D . 1944 2. Who did Mandela admire? A . Gandi B . Bergman C . Seymour D . Bess 3. How many years did he spend on Robben Islang? A . 15 B . 12 C . 18 D . 20 4. In which year did he get the Nobel P Peace Prize? A . 1991 B . 1992 C . 1990 D . 1993 5. In which year did he become the first black President? A . 1993 B . 1991 C . 1997 D . 1994 3.2 Heroes Among Us 完成习题 6 6. D ecide the sentence is true or false According to the passage, ordinary people can not be heroes. A True B False