【简答题】Please rate the following adjectives using the scale presented below. Use the sample sentence to guide your decision. ++ very positive + positive 0-N neutral/0-A ambiguous - negative -- very nega...
【多选题】下列账簿中,通常采用三栏式账页格式的有( )。
【多选题】下列账簿中,通常采用三栏式账页格式的有( )。
【简答题】Structure of a counter-offer letter a.It will leave us with almost no profit to accept your price. b.Please take it into serious consideration and your early reply will be appreciated. c.We suggest th...
【单选题】制作元宵馅,应将拌好的馅料拍成 ( )厚的长方形块,再切成方丁即可。
【简答题】小题1:.My brother a__________ a knowledge of computers by careful study. 小题2:.Can you tell me a________ of time if you’re coming? 小题3:.I a_________ of your trying to earn some money, but please don’t ...
【多选题】银行存款日记账通常采用下列账簿中的( )。