【简答题】Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in brackets. The first letter is already given. 1) For 15 years, ABC Company has been a leading m ( 生 产商 ) of silk products in Asia. 2) ...
【单选题】A multinational company, with its headquarters in the U.S., wants to sell a new high-technology product in foreign markets. For effective selling, the sales force for this company should consist mostl...
【单选题】When a multinational affiliate replicates production in a foreign country it is called ________ foreign direct investment.
【单选题】When a multinational affiliate replicates production in a foreign country it is called ________ foreign direct investment.
【简答题】Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in brackets. The first letter is already given. 1) For 15 years, ABC Company has been a leading m ( 生 产商) of silk products in Asia. 2) W...
【判断题】一艘2002年7月1日安放龙骨的1500总吨的普通干货船,验船师在对其执行初次检验时,对船舶的电气设备的布置和安装进行了检查和确认,特别对触电、电气火灾及其他电气灾害的预防措施进行了核实,认为下列这些设施与布置都满足了SOLAS公约要求: 1.照明用的配电系统采用以船体作回路的配电系统; 2.在货舱内终止的所有照明,均只在货舱内设有切断这些馈电线的多极开关; 3.每一馈电线的过载保护设备的定额或相...
【简答题】病例摘要: 辛某,男,42岁,科研人员。2014年8月就诊。 患者2周前因天气变化突然而着凉感冒,未予重视。自行口服感冒冲剂、阿奇霉素等药物后流涕头痛等症状消失,但仍觉疲乏无力。近3天来自觉心慌,常由于活动或者精神紧张而诱发,经过休息后可以缓解。心悸不宁,心烦少寐,头晕目眩,手足心热,耳鸣腰酸。 查体:T36.2℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP120/80mmHg。双肺呼吸音清,心率84次/分...
【简答题】A. We are a world market leading multinational company in food presentation and onboard services for travel industry. More than 350 airline customers trust our organization. If you are energetic, crea...
【单选题】患者男,42岁,农民,因“不规则发热伴腹胀2周”来诊。近1周体温持续39~40℃,高热时脉搏80次/min。有青霉素过敏史。查体:肝肋下2cm,脾不大。血常规:WBC2.5×10 9 /L,N0.70,L0.30。入院后第2天排粪时突然头昏、心悸、出冷汗,粪中有鲜血;扶入病房,血压70/50mmHg。最可能的诊断是()