【单选题】We hope this will be a good start for our_____ business relations.
【单选题】甲企业为增值税一般纳税人,2019年4月向乙企业销售货物,由于乙企业购买量大,甲给予其8折优惠,开具的增值税专用发票上的金额栏分别注明价款40000元、折扣额8000元。本月购进原材料取得的增值税专用发票上注明增值税税额合计2000元。甲企业当期应缴纳增值税( )元。
【单选题】甲企业为增值税一般纳税人,2019年4月向乙企业销售货物,由于乙企业购买量大,甲给予其8折优惠,开具的增值税专用发票上的金额栏分别注明价款40000元、折扣额8000元。本月购进原材料取得的增值税专用发票上注明增值税税额合计2000元。甲企业当期应缴纳增值税( )元。
【简答题】Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) We can’t accept payment on deferred terms. (2) We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship. (3) Enclosed please fi nd our quotation...
【简答题】As some items ______ your order are ______ our business scope, we can only accept your order partially. We hope this will not bring you any inconvenience.
【单选题】甲企业为增值税一般纳税人,本月发生进项税额1600万元,销项税额4800万元,进项税额转出481万元,同时月末以银行存款缴纳增值税税额1000万元,则本月尚未缴纳的增值税为( )万元。
【简答题】Dear Sirs, We learn from AIG Co .Ltd. New York that you are a leading exporter in your country. We are, at present, very much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your sending us ca...