【单选题】_____ is not a benefit of globalization. A. Lowering prices for goods B. Raising the incomes of consumers C. Slowdown in economic growth D. Helping to create jobs in all countries that choose to parti...
Lowering prices for goods
Raising the incomes of consumers
Slowdown in economic growth
Helping to create jobs in all countries that choose to participate
【简答题】A.It was rising. B.It was lowering. C.It remained unchanged. D.It was fluctuating
【简答题】请你选择正确的汉语。 ( )1. Do as the Romans do. A.今日事,今日毕。 ( )2. Do it now. B.凡事不可半途而废。 ( )3. Doing is better than saying. C.与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。 ( )4. Do nothing by halves. D.机不可失,时不再来。 ( )5. D...
【简答题】2008年3月24日,第29届北京夏季奥运会圣火在古奥林匹亚遗址成功点燃,随后奥林匹克圣火在该国进行了传递,3月31日圣火火种到了北京,4月1日奥运圣火以,记者全程跟踪报道此次传递活动。 1.古奥林匹亚遗址在 [ ] A.英国伦敦 B.法国巴黎 C.希腊雅典 D.意大利罗马 2.圣火采集仪式比预定时间提前1小时,是因为该国气候为 [ ] A.地中海气候 B.温带海洋气候 C.温带季...
【判断题】云计算的特征之一是通过互联网实现并以服务的方式提供动态可伸缩的资源的计算模式 。A. √B. ×