【简答题】患者男,21岁,因'打篮球扭伤致右膝关节疼痛、肿胀伴活动受限3小时'急诊就诊。患者诉打篮球跳起落下过程中右膝关节扭伤,当即感右膝感觉剧烈疼痛。查体:右膝关节稍肿胀,浮髌试验(+),右膝关节主动及被动活动疼痛明显。为明确诊断,查体可进行的检查是A、托马斯征 B、抽屉试验和Lachman试验 C、'4'字试验 D、单足独立试验 E、支腿抬高试验 F、股神经牵拉试验 外侧方应力试验阳性,提示A、内侧副韧...
【简答题】阅读理解。 When students think of learning a foreign language, the first thought is of books, exercises, and audio cassettes. Those are important to learning but sometimes a little bit boring. Therefore, i...
edification : acquiring
wisdom : contemplating
【单选题】甘肃省已有甘肃花儿、( )等2项民俗文化被列入世界非物质文化遗产
【单选题】甘肃省已有甘肃花儿、( )等2项民俗文化被列人世界非物质文化遗产名录。
【判断题】CTC 型分散自律调度集中系统涵盖了铁路局 TDCS 系统的所有功能
【简答题】Which of the following is true according to John Dewey? A) An individual can exercise very little influence on the cultural tradition into which he is born. B) Custom is the direct result of the philo...