根据以下内容回答题: Conflict,like stress,is a natural phenomenon when people interact.Conflict in some form. is always present;however,it is not always negative.Conflict can be positive,for example,when you and your colleagues try to select the best pos.sible alternative to a problem.However, much more attention is given to the negative aspects of conflict. Conflict occurs when we fear the unknown.This can be very simple:someone says some-thing in a tone of voice different from our expectations,which raises questions in our mind as to what the real meaning might be.Of course conflict can,and does,occur in much more serious circumstances.Your ability to detect and understand conflict will place you in a better position to control the situation.Conflict is often categorized in three stages.Stage one is the day-to-day irritations that require minimal coping strategies.Stage one conflict is real but low in intensity.The inten-sity can increase if irritations increase and no solution iS found. Stage two is reached when the parties become competitive.Each person protects his serf-interest and fears loss of face.The win-lose attitude becomes integrated with the problem.Stage three is reached when the objective changes from wanting to win toward wanting to hurt the other party.This stage can be explosive because other people are drawn into the con-flict and sides are chosen.Problem solving is no longer a realistic method of resolution. By understanding the three stages of conflict,it will be easier for you to handle the day-to-day situations to which you are exposed.You will also be able to detect potential conflict be-tween others in which you do not want to get involved. Conflict is__________ .