【简答题】Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. capture, butterfly, spark, endure, keen, promotion, stuff, innocent I don't like this young woman; she seems a social __...
【简答题】God knows. How can I _________ six exams a week?
【简答题】God knows. How can i ________six exams a week?
【判断题】God knows how can I endure six exams a week.
【多选题】德育只有遵循受教育者的品德的形成与发展规律,才能有效促进受教育者的品德形成与发展,而受教育者的品德的形成与发展也离不开德育因素的影响。 对学生来说,由于知识基础的差异和个性品质的不同,对课程也有很多不适应的地方。比如,新课程提倡的研究性学习,就有很多学生不知所措。一个班少则有四五十人,多则有六七十人,要进行有效的合作探究,难度很大。据上课教师分析,在研究性学习过程中只有那些主动性强的学生受益,三分...
【简答题】Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. capture butterfly spark endure keen promotion ...
【单选题】God knows. How can I _______ six exams a week?