【单选题】患儿,男,9个月。面色苍白2个月,精神食欲差,无黄疸,人工喂养,未添加辅食,皮肤黏膜苍白,心率128次/分,节律齐,心前区SMⅡ级,肝肋下3cm,脾肋下1cm,Hb 80g/L,红细胞2.3×1012/L,网织红细胞0.5%,血涂片未见异型细胞,GPT正常。 最可能的诊断是
【简答题】A bank ? company is simply a corporation chartered for the purpose of holding the equity shares of at least one bank. ? is a plastic payment card that provides the holder electronic access to th...
【单选题】Billboard音乐奖创办于 ___________年。
【判断题】The payer of a banker's draft is a bank while the payer of a commercial draft is a company.
【简答题】学校小组工作中,小组的协商期会有哪些特点( )。