【单选题】( )指将所有客户的有关信息储存起来,建立详细的顾客档案,并经常对信息进行整理、分析。
【单选题】There are four main types of decisions. Which type of decision is also called an ad hoc decision?
【简答题】Roman citizens entertained themselves with public performances such as __________________ and _______________
【简答题】A passport is a document (issue) ________ by a country to its citizens that permits them to leave and re-enter.
【判断题】All free-born citizens could get married in Roman society.
【单选题】There are four main types of marine engines ____ and the marine nuclear plant.
the diesel engine, the steam turbine and the dual-fuel engine
the diesel engine,the steam turbine and the gas turbine
the gas-diesel engine, the gasoline engine and the diesel engine
the gasoline engine, the diesel engine and the steam turbine
【判断题】Toga, a cloth wore by the Romans as a sign of being Roman citizens, were proundly wore by some free Celts at the time of Roman ruling.
【简答题】The two classes of citizens in the Roman Republic were __________ and ______________
【多选题】There are four main types of writing. What are they?