【单选题】执行以下程序段后,m的值是 。 int a[2][3]={{1, 3, 5}, {7, 9, 11}}; int m, *ptr; ptr = &a[0][0]; m = (*ptr)*(*ptr+2)*(*(ptr+4));
【单选题】在竞赛时或竞赛前后即刻存在的主观上所认知到某种危险或威胁情境的担忧属于那种焦虑状态。( )
【单选题】某患者屈光度为 -3.50/-0.50 × 180 ,配戴 7.6/-3.00/9.2 镜片时,片上验光为 -0.50 ,因配适偏紧,选择试戴片 7.65/-3.00/9.2 ,理论片上验光值为
【判断题】雾霾天气应尽量不要开窗,确实需要开窗透气的话,应尽量避开雾霾高峰时段,可以将窗户打开一条缝短时间通风. 判断对错
【单选题】听力原文:W: You must have enjoyed using your new camera on your trip. M: I would have, but after buying a new camera especially for that trip, I left it in the car with my friend who drove me to the airpo...
He enjoyed using his new camera.
He left his camera at the airport.
He left his camera in his friend's car.
He lost his camera on his trip.