【简答题】某房地产公司2017年发生如下经济业务: (1)签订一份写字楼销售合同,当年收到全部款项,共计18000万元(不含增值税)。 (2)该写字楼经税务机关审核可以扣除的项目为:开发成本5000万元,缴纳的土地使用权转让费3000万元,利息支出150万元(能够按项目分摊并提供金融机构证明),相关税金990万元。(该题目针对土地增值税设置,暂不考虑其他税费。) 已知:当地规定,开发费用计算扣除比例为5%,...
【单选题】Which country is not the neighbor of France?
【单选题】Which country is not involved in the six-party talks?
【单选题】Which country is not mentioned in passage been affected by the bird flu?
【单选题】Which country is not mentioned in this article?
【单选题】Which country is not included in our course?
The Republic of Ireland
【单选题】Which country is not bordered with India?
【简答题】如图所示电路中,电流 I 1 = 7 A , I 2 = -4 A 。
【单选题】Which country is not bordered with India?