已知数列 { a n }(n∈ N * ) 的前n项和为S n ,数列 { S n n } 是首0,公差为 1 2 的等差数列. (1)求数列{a n }的通项公式; (2)设 b n = 4 15 ?(-2 ) a n (n∈ N * ) ,对任意的正整数k,将集合{b 2k-1 ,b 2k ,b 2k+1 }中的三个元素排成一个递增的等差数列,其公差为d k ,求证:数列{d k }为等比数列; (3)对(2)题中的d k ,求集合{x|d k <x<d k+1 ,x∈Z}的元素个数.
【单选题】Flying Blue is a frequent flier rewards program offered by Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Flying Blue members enjoy the ability to earn and spend air mile points on flights and services offe...
【简答题】Mike has loved flying since he was small. When he was three years old, his dad took him to an air show. Mike loved the sounds of the plane and he 31 of becoming an airplane pilot(飞行员) some day. As Mik...