【判断题】There exists in the working people, different from the Saxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class. 答案:
【简答题】患者男性,53岁。半年来排便次数增多,时有便意,便形变细,粪便表面附有暗红色血液;体重明显减轻,食欲差。拟诊断直肠癌,准备行手术治疗。患者拟施行的手术属于A、急症手术 B、限期手术 C、择期手术 D、紧急手术 E、普通手术 术前准备中,下列不恰当的是A、术前练习并掌握深呼吸运动 B、补充热量和膳食纤维 C、术前指导患者床上活动的方法 D、预防性应用抗生素 E、术前1天做好肠道准备 该患者术日晨的护...
【判断题】The Saxon peasants could not afford the meat, which were named in the Norman language, i.e. French.
【单选题】In Para. 11, the author compares the situation faced by Americans today with the situation faced by the Saxon peasants. The writing skill is called ( ).