【单选题】You want a class to have access to me m bers of another class in the s a m e package. Which is the m ost r est r i ctive a c cess th a t a cc o m plishes t h is obj e cti ve ?
【单选题】A rock is thrown off a 30 m cliff at a 45° angle above the horizontal. Which is the following is true regarding the acceleration of the rock? (air resistance is negligible)
The acceleration will be of magnitude g and have both horizontal and vertical components.
At the peak of the rock’s path, the magnitude of acceleration will be half of what it was when the rock was initially thrown.
The acceleration will be of magnitude g and in a downward direction.
The acceleration will be downward during the rock’s ascent and upward during the rock’s descent.
The acceleration will increase throughout the rock’s flight .