【单选题】按照原理和方法分类,分析化学可分为( )
【单选题】用平皿法进行药品的微生物限度检查时,10-1、10-2、10-3三个稀释度平皿的细菌数分别为:10、260、320,则报告该药品中含细菌数为:( )
【单选题】“千锤万凿出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲;粉骨碎身浑不怕,要留清白在人间.”这首于谦的《石灰吟》蕴含着一定的科学知识,诗句“烈火焚烧若等闲”形象地描述了化学反应:CaCO 3 高温 . CaO十CO 2 ↑,该反应的类型是( )
【判断题】In narration of a person, the key information of the brief introduction of the person lies in the end of the listening material.
【判断题】One premise of the following argument is “individuals marrying the person of his or her own choice is legal.”Same-sex marriage should be considered legal, because an individual has the right to marry ...