SAMPLES The samples include pre-production sample, bulk production sample. Two pieces per model of pre-production samples will be sent us before production ( one to Hong Kong office and the other to French office ) . One piece per model bulk production samples will be sent us before shipment. The bulk production sample that you send must be exactly the same as production. Sent by speed courier ( DHL ) to the following address ( Important for sending to France, the final airport is Bordeaux Merignac Airport, not Paris Airport) : C.D.L 74 rue Sedaine 76011 Bergerac city France The cost of speed courier will be paid by supplier. For both, please do not forget to enclose a detailed proforma invoice indicating “ samples with no commercial value ” . If necessary we will ask you to send another set of samples to the laboratory in Hong Kong for initial testing. Please wait for our instructions. 请根据以上订单内容回答下列问题: 1 、跟单员应该分别在何时寄出何种样品? 2 、跟单员需要寄送的样品数量分别是多少?应该选择哪家国际快递公司寄送才符合采购商的要求?该快递费用由谁承担? 3 、跟单员在填写快递单据时,必须要加注什么英文信息才符合法国客商的要求?请具体写出该信息的中文含义。 4 、如果接到法国客商的样品测试要求,该样品应该寄往哪里?