In this section we read about a BBc report on the fist poll of UK wxpert on the top US presidents. After the report, some exercises are designed to help you comb the details. chapter3阅读填空题.docx ------was the lowest -rated president of any who has held office since the scandal -hit warren Harding. He ranked 31st out of the 43 evaluated presidents. ------was in the top 10 in all the five categories, in eighth position. the most notable defference in teh UK poll from US surveys is the case of ------, ranked as high as sixth in some recent US srrveys but only 15th in the UK poll. The UK wxperts criticised him for nor fulfiling what he had promised to do. ------came first in three categrories: vision/agenda-setting; domestic leadership., and foreign policy leadership. 5. -----was rated less successful in the UK jpoll because of a very low rating for moral authority as well as for unsatisfactory economic achievement. 为了便于同学们作答,不至于吧人名的格式写错,我把五个人名例举出来, 你们进行选择就行 Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy George W. Bush Bill Clinton Franklin D. Roosevelt