【单选题】The most important component in the blood-testis barrier is:
【单选题】A 7-year-old girl is brought in for evaluation. On examination, she has well-developed pubic hair and breasts and she is 99% of height for her age. Her mother recently noted some bloodstains on her un...
estrogen-producing ovarian cyst
sex steroid-containing medication
thecal/Leydig cell tumor
【单选题】The cell whose secretion can binds to androgen is( )
【单选题】乌兰察布集宁区工作人员薛文慧在回家途中,遇到一位八旬老人不慎摔倒在 路边。薛文慧立即跑上前去,询问老人情况较严重后,与过往的行人合力将 老人扶起并送去医院。令人感动的是,多名热心居民都表示做好事不需要留 下姓名。这启示我们 ( ) 1 没有人愿意遭到冷漠,生命拒绝冷漠 2 只有舍己救人才能 提升生命的价值 3 要关切他人的生命,设身处地地思考并善待他人 4 关爱自己比关爱他人更重要