【单选题】下面是一篇存在问题的公文,阅读后回答问题。 XX市人民政府文件 XX〔2008〕20号 关于 XX市人民政府应对雨雪天气 保护房屋安全的紧急通报 XX XX XX: 近来持续的雪雨天气,已经给各类房屋安全和生产设施带来较大忧患。据不完全统计,截至昨天上午8时,全市倒塌房屋50多间、蔬菜大棚600多亩,直接经济损失达数百万元。为切实维护人民群众生命财产安全,市政府昨夜召开紧急会议,对房屋安全和生产设...
【简答题】The thirsty traveler stared at the mirage ( 海市蜃楼 ) in the middle of the air, hoping that what he saw was real and not just a ghost ________ his imagination.
【单选题】听力原文: Finally there is one more element to business success that we havent talked about. I know what you think Im going to say, luck and youre partially right. Good entrepreneurs know how to make thei...
They drank from public water fountains.
They passed around a cup of water.
They drank from personal tin cups that they carried with them.