【单选题】如图1所示可调变阻器R获得最大功率的条件是( )。
【单选题】The paper deals with the nation’s problems, _____ from the economy to air pollution.
【单选题】The paper deals with the nation’s problems, _______ from inflation to air pollution.
【单选题】The paper deals with the nation's problems, _______ from the economy to air pollution.
【单选题】The paper deals with the nation’s problems, _______ from runaway inflation to a lowering of literacy levels.
【单选题】思想道德和法律都是调节人们思想行为、协调人际关系、( )的重要手段。
【判断题】道德剧对人的价值的评价正是文艺复兴运动的心声。 判断对错