【单选题】28— Were all the villagers inspected for the suspected disease? — No. ________ only 10 people who were exposed to the animals infected by the virus.
【单选题】- Were all the villagers inspected for the suspected disease? - No. ________ only 10 people who were exposed to the animals infected by the virus.
【简答题】下面有关有限责任公司股东转让出资的说法,不正确的有( )。 A. 股东之间可以相互转让其全部或部分出资; B. 股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经全体股东过半数同意; C. 股东之间相互转让出资须经全体股东一致同意; D. 经股东同意转让的出资,在同等条件下其他股东对该出资有优先购买权。