【单选题】张先生是一家企业的经理,创业初期,公司里只有12个员工,每个人都由张先生直接管理。随着规模的扩大,张先生聘请了一位副经理,由他处理公司的具体管理事物,自己专心于企业的战略经营,有什么事情都有副经理向其汇报。则公司的沟通网络( )。
【多选题】In high power distance culture, some people might be regarded as superior to others because of
physical strength and birth order
family background and occupation
【单选题】Some people might be wondering, however, if Disney (lost the battle but won the war), as it seems everyone is living in Disney’s America these days.
【简答题】12元 B.王先生(中国公民)是中方单位派遣到外商投资企业的雇员,外商投资企业每月支付工资6000元,中方单位每月向赵先生支付工资2000元,则王先生2008年12月应缴纳个人所得税310元 C.李某是一家外商投资企业的职员,2008年3月该外商投资企业支付李某不含税工资6000元,并为李某代付个人所得税3625元 D.赵先生是一家私营企业的股东之一,并任职于该企业,当年以投资者的身份利用私营企业...
【判断题】Some people might be wondering, however, if Disney lost the battle but won the war, as it seemseveryone is living in Disney's America these days
【简答题】Last fall, the Walt Disney Company did something rare: It admitted defeat in its fight to build a history theme park in Virginia. The park was going to be called “Disney’s America.” Some people migh...
【单选题】刘先生为某公司的业务代表,2006年12月公司根据业绩提成发给刘先生全年一次性奖金8万元,刘先生12月的工资为4500元,则刘先生8万元的年终奖金应缴纳的个人所得税为( )。