【单选题】How many parts can you divide Text A?
【多选题】根据车船税法律制度的规定,下列车船在计算车船税时,按照所属税目税额的50%计算的有( )。
【简答题】How many parts are there in The Waste Land?
【单选题】How many parts can you divide Text A?
【简答题】How many parts docs a conversation with a new friend usually consist of?
【单选题】How many parts are there in the speaking test?
【单选题】Usually, how many parts are there in a Chinese menu?
【多选题】根据车船税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,以“整备质量吨位数”为计税依据计征车船税的有( )。