【单选题】Perhaps the most important quality (shared) by all notable scientists is a strong determination (to solve) a problem, when it (arises) or to seek an explanation for a (phenomena).
【判断题】price terms are mainly applied to determin the prices of commodities in international trade
【单选题】Match the following view with the scholar who hold it. The categories of thought determine the categories of language.
【单选题】My sister wants ________ [ ]
【简答题】(18分)阅读下面图文资料并结合所学知识,完成下列各题。 珍珠是一种有机宝石,产在蚌类等软体动物体内,由于内分泌作用而生成的含碳酸钙的矿物珠粒。水温在15~30度之间,育珠蚌生长和发育正常,珍珠质分泌旺盛,珍珠生长快。 甲国(左图)因盛产天然海水珍珠而久负盛名。世界上很多国家的珍珠养殖要1~2年才能收获,但是在甲国,每3~6个月就能收获一次,所产珍珠不仅产量大,品质也佳。 20世纪60年代初期以前...
【简答题】A.The first teacher. B.The second teacher. C.The last teacher. D.The next teacher.
【简答题】遵义会议的内容和意义是什么? 2、 简述20世纪20年代后期和30年代前期,中国党内屡次出现严重的 三次 “左” 倾错误?