【单选题】The jeans are too long. Would you mind give me___ ? [ ]
【简答题】What does the seller have to do in order to reach the limit the buyer required? They have to ______.
【单选题】When winter comes, the days get _____ in Beijing. [ ]
【单选题】Russian men live 1 years shorter than Russian women and 16 years shorter than Western Europe men.
【简答题】请准备命题说话题目的提纲: 3.我最尊敬的人
【单选题】When spring comes, it gets____. A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter
【简答题】A.nicer B.longer C.better D.shorter
【单选题】The jeans are too long. Would you mind giving me _____ ? [ ]
【单选题】患者男性, 39 岁。突起阵发性腹痛,伴腹胀、呕吐 2 天。查体: T38 o C,P93 次 / 分, BP110 次 /60mmHg 。腹部饱满、胀气,除右下腹部有压痛外,余腹无压痛、反跳痛和肌紧张,肠鸣音亢进,腹部 X 线平片检查发现小肠高度胀气、扩张,并有多个液气平面,未见结肠胀气,应诊断为