【单选题】鸿渐送她出去,经过陆子潇的房,房门半开,子潇坐在 椅子里吸烟,瞧见鸿渐俩,忙站起来点头,又坐下去,宛如有弹 簧收放着。The best translation is
He was seeing her out and Hung-chien passed by Lu Tzu-hsiao‘s room. The door opend halfly. Lu was sitting in his room and was smoking.He saw the two of them and he quickly stood up and nodded , then sat back down again as though he were attached to a spring.
As he was seeing her out , Hung-chien passed by Lu Tzu-hsiao‘s room. Lu was sitting in his room smoking with his door half opened. When Lu caught sight of the two of them , he quickly stood up and nodded , then sat back down again as though he were attached to a spring.
Hung-chien was seeing her out and he passed by LuTzu-hsiao‘s room which the door opend half. Lu was sitting in his room and was smoking. He saw the two of them and he quickly stood up and nodded , then sat back down again as though he were attached to a spring.